Call for Tenders: Consultancy for the assessment of the implementation of niaps in central african countries (cameroon, congo, drc and gabon)

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  • Want to make a positive difference to the future of people and our one shared home, the Earth? Working at WWF could be your opportunity of a lifetime.

All around the world, people are waking up to the deepening crisis of nature loss. A growing realization that nature is our life-support system. And that nobody will be spared from the impacts of its loss. Here at WWF, we are helping to tackle this enormous global challenge.

Our people come from hugely diverse backgrounds and with a variety of expertise, ranging from HR and finance to advocacy and conservation science. We welcome applications from anyone who believes they can help us create a better future for people and wildlife.

  • What we do

We are an independent conservation organization, striving to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife. From individuals and communities to business and government, we are part of a growing coalition calling on world leaders to set nature on the path to recovery by 2030. Together, we seek to protect and restore natural habitats, stop the mass extinction of wildlife, and make the way we produce and consume sustainable.

  • Context and justification

The Central African sub-region hosts significant populations of both forest and savannah elephants. Unfortunately, these elephants are continuously facing a multitude of threats, including illegal killing for ivory and other products, conflict with humans, local overabundance and loss and fragmentation of habitat. The magnitude of these threats, for some elephant populations, is so severe that their survival in the wild is in jeopardy. A report prepared for the 65th meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Standing Committee (SC65) indicated that over 20,000 African Elephants were poached across the continent in 2013 and prior to that another credible estimate suggested that 100,000 elephants were lost to poaching from 2010 through 20122. The SC65 report indicates that 2011 was the worst in recent years for illegal trafficking of ivory, but an increase in the number of large-scale seizures of ivory (shipments over 500 kg) in 2013 may signal an even greater surge that year. Because of inadequate enforcement efforts and the fact that demand has been on the rise in certain parts of the world, a number of African countries have seen their elephant populations decimated by poachers. Maisels et al. report a 62% decline in Central African forest elephant populations between 2002 and 2011. The decrease in elephant numbers has been acknowledged as a major concern, not only by governments, NGOs and conservationists, but also by indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) whose livelihoods are directly affected. Central Africa accounts for a large proportion of the estimated continental range for African Elephants, but knowledge of its current population size is the poorest of four sub-regions. Central African elephants are highly threatened and proper measures and mechanisms must be put in place and implemented effectively to protect remaining populations.

It is in this context that the CITES Parties instituted a National Ivory Action Plan (NIAP) process under the direction of the Standing Committee in 19 out of 22 countries identified with the aim of strengthening controls on the trade in ivory and ivory markets, and helping to combat the illegal trade in ivory. These Parties were identified following an analysis of ivory seizure data held in the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) prepared for the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of CITES (CoP16) in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2013 (link: The countries most heavily affected by the illegal trade in ivory are the ones that are presently part of the NIAP process, having been categorized as countries of “primary concern” (eight Parties), “secondary concern” (eight Parties) and “importance to watch” (six Parties). In Central Africa, Cameroon, Congo, DRC and Gabon were originally all identified as Parties of “secondary concern” and have been requested to develop NIAPs, while. Throughout the NIAP process, the status of those Parties was updated respectively at CoP17 and CoP18 and at SC66, SC69 and SC70 based on an analysis of the Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) and the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) reports.

WWF and TRAFFIC are supporting the development and implementation of NIAPs in the four Central African countries abovementioned since the launching of this process in 2013.

WWF is therefore seeking the services of an Individual Consultant to carry out an assessment of progress made by Cameroon, Congo, DRC and Gabon in the implementation of their NIAPs.

  • Methodology Considerations

The evaluation methodology should consist of:

    1. The compiling and review of all relevant documents in relation to the topic of the consultancy;
    2. Induction meeting and interviews with WWF and TRAFFIC relevant staff;
    3. Interviews with key resource persons;
    4. Drafting of deliverables (assessment report and a brief consultancy report);
    5. Workshop with WWF staff in Yaoundé to present and discuss deliverables.

The consultant may propose additional methodological components to be agreed upon with WWF CCPO.

However, due to restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, physical meetings will be restricted and international travels might not be considered.

  • Duration of activities

The consultation shall be carried out over a period of 30 (thirty) working days, between September 15 and October 31, 2020. The Consultant shall provide a schedule of activities based on the approach and for the period mentioned above.

  • Profile of the Consultant

The Consultant should have proven experience with wildlife law enforcement support and elephant conservation work in the region. The Consultant should also have a good knowledge of CITES functioning and key events (CoP, SC) especially documents related to the NIAP process. An experience in assessing CITES or wildlife related international processes will be an asset.

  • Deliverables
    • A draft assessment report in English of maximum 25 pages (without annexes); - Report on Feedback session on First Draft Report with WWF management; - Final Assessment report and a brief consultancy report.
  • Financial Terms

If considered, the costs of international flights will be covered by the project. All domestic travels within countries will also be arranged and paid for by the project (local transportation, hotel and food will be based on WWF perdiem rates). An honorarium will be offered based on the estimated number of days of work. Visa cost will be reimbursed based on real cost.

  • Expression of Interest

All candidates interested in conducting this assessment on a consultant basis should submit, no later than September 20th, 2020 a detailed technical proposal including:

    • A curriculum vitae detailing his/her experience in relation to the topic of the consultancy;
    • A technical offer including a description of approach, comments on the Terms of Reference, including a proposed chronogram of activities;
    • A detailed budget proposal which takes into account the financial conditions specified in this ToR and specifies the honorarium (daily rate) as well as any other costs.

The estimated end date of the consultancy will be October 30, 2020.

All applications should be sent to , with reference “Central Africa NIAPs assessment”.

Thank you in advance for your interest in this position. Please note that only seriously considered candidates will be contacted for a follow-up. If you have not been contacted three (3) days after the closing date, consider your application unsuccessful.

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