WWF seeks an International Consultant

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Safeguards Consultancy for GEF-7 Project: Integrated Management of Cameroon's Forest Landscapes in the Congo Basin

* Want to make a positive difference to the future of people and our one shared home, the Earth?

Working with WWF could be your opportunity of a lifetime.

All around the world, people are waking up to the deepening crisis of nature loss. A growing realization that nature is our life-support system. And that nobody will be spared from the impacts of its loss. Here at WWF, we are helping to tackle this enormous global challenge.

Our people come from hugely diverse backgrounds and with a variety of expertise, ranging from HR and finance to advocacy and conservation science. We welcome applications from anyone who believes they can help us create a better future for people and wildlife.

* What we do

We are an independent conservation organization, striving to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife. From individuals and communities to business and government, we are part of a growing coalition calling on world leaders to set nature on the path to recovery by 2030. Together, we seek to protect and restore natural habitats, stop the mass extinction of wildlife, and make the way we produce and consume sustainable.

* Background and Introduction

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council approved the 6-year Congo Basin Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (CBSL IP) which encompasses a regional component, managed by UNEP, and several national child projects in the countries of the Congo Basin.

The Cameroon national child project, managed by WWF as the GEF Agency, will address the drivers of forest loss and degradation through strategies aimed at strengthening the integrated management of Cameroon's globally important forest landscapes in the Congo Basin to secure its biological integrity and increase economic opportunities and livelihoods for forest dependent people. Experience indicates that achieving this objective relies on the concurrent execution of multiple complementary strategies: (i) integrated land use planning that recognizes the value of natural capital and the rights of local and indigenous peoples; (ii) the development of sustainable value chains and enterprises (NTFPs, tourism) that contribute to the livelihoods of local and indigenous peoples; (iii) the conservation of wildlife and high conservation value (HCV) forests; and (iv) monitoring and knowledge management that inform adaptive management and the replication of best practices.

Over the six-year project period these strategies will be advanced through the implementation of five project components: 1) mainstreaming integrated landscape planning and management; 2) advancing sustainable forest management; 3) promoting sustainable wildlife management; 4) improving benefit generation from biodiversity through sustainable tourism development; and 5) knowledge management and project monitoring and evaluation.

The project targets a key Cameroon trans-frontier forest landscape, which stretches from the Rio Campo seascape on the coast, across the Cameroon segments of the Tri-National Dja- Odzala-Minkebe (TRIDOM) and Sangha Tri-National (TNS) landscapes towards the east. The project will progress these project components in the Cameroon segments of the three forest landscapes within the project's geographic scope; the target areas for project interventions under each strategy are dependent on site-specific considerations, including the potential to achieve meaningful results in the six-year project period, baselines and available co-financing, and the ability to manage all safeguard considerations. In order to drive for impact and assure cost-effectiveness, target areas that have the potential to achieve results under multiple strategies have been prioritized.

The following 4 components include:

Component 1: Mainstreaming integrated landscape planning and management. This component will be implemented in the Ngoyla-Mintom councils in the TRIDOM LS. Key elements of the component include:

  • Application of integrated and participatory land-use planning for the Ngoyla and Mintom councils.
  • Promotion of tools for mapping and accounting of ecosystem natural capital.
  • Improving the institutional, policy, legal and financial enabling conditions for sustainable land-use planning and management, including capacity building for local communities, IPs and CSOs.

Component 2: Advancing Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). The objective of this component is to reduce net forest lost in forest landscapes in the TRIDOM, TNS, and Campo landscapes while conserving biodiversity and local livelihoods, through:

  • The development of sustainable Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) value chains.
  • Expansion of a public-private partnership to create a sustainable and socially responsible value chain for tropical hardwood species, in particular West African ebony, with local communities and IPs.
  • Enhancing forest governance, including regulatory instruments for forest value chains, payment for environmental services and improved access and benefit sharing.

Component 3: Promoting sustainable wildlife management. The objective of this component is to ensure that key wildlife populations are stabilized and increasing in TNS, and Campo landscapes through:

  • Developing and supporting co-management models for protected areas management and sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Strengthening wildlife law enforcement, capacity building on human and IP rights in anti-poaching activities, etc.

Component 4: Improving benefit generation from biodiversity through sustainable tourism development. This component is based on the premises that the biodiversity of the targeted landscape may be better conserved through sustainable tourism development. The project will:

  • Improve the capacity of Campo Ma'an National Park (CMNP) and its partners, including local communities, IPs and CSOs to manage tourism in the Campo council.
  • Support the development of tourism products, participatory (community/private sector) management models and equitable benefit distribution mechanisms linked to sustainable tourism activities.

The proposed GEF project will be executed by the Cameroonian Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED). MINEPDED will be responsible for developing the safeguards related documents as per the WWF's Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF), as detailed in the Environment and Social Safeguards Integrated Policies and Procedures (SIPP)


* Objective and Rationale for the Assignment

The objective of the consultancy is to prepare, on behalf of MINEPDED, the necessary safeguards documents to comply with WWF's Environment and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF), as detailed in the Safeguards Integrated Policies and Procedures (SIPP).

In line with WWF's SIPP (2019:40), an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) shall be developed and address the risks and impacts identified in an Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) required to ensure compliance with the specific safeguard policies included in WWF's SIPP 2019.

The ESMF will include the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Description
  3. Project Area Profiles
  4. Environmental and Social Policies, Regulations and Guidelines
  5. Institutional Framework
  6. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
  7. Anticipated Social Impacts and Mitigation Measures
  8. Procedures for the Identification and Management of Environmental and Social Impacts
  9. Guidelines for ESMP Development
  10. Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF)
  11. Process Framework (PF)
  12. Monitoring
  13. Grievance Redress
  14. Capacity Building
  15. Disclosure
  16. Budget

Process Framework (PF)

A Process Framework shall be developed as part of the ESMF. Specifically, the project aims under Component 1 to finance integrated land use plans developed and endorsed for the Ngoyla and Mintom council areas. This will be based on a multi-stakeholder process which builds the capacity of Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs), CSOs, private sector and governance entities to incorporate natural capital accounting and recognize the tenure and access rights of IPLCs. The WWF Policy on Involuntary Resettlement does not apply in situations where restrictions to access of resources are taking place under community-based projects such as community based NRM models. However, it is reasonable to assume that some decisions taken by the Government could restrict access to natural resources and will not fall solely within the authority of the IPLCs and other local communities. Therefore, WWF's Policy on Involuntary Resettlement has been triggered on a precautionary basis and the consultant would need to prepare a Process Framework (PF) as per the SIPP.

The purpose of this Process Framework is to ensure participation of Project Affected People (PAP) while recognizing and protecting their interests and ensuring that they do not become worse off because of the project. Specifically, the PF will:

  • Describe activities that may involve new or more stringent restrictions on use of natural resources in the project area.
  • Establish the mechanism through which the local communities can contribute to the project design, implementation and monitoring.
  • Identify the potential negative impacts of the restriction on the surrounding communities.
  • Describe the mitigation measures required.
  • Describe the grievance procedure or process for resolving disputes to natural resource use restrictions.
  • Describe the participatory monitoring arrangements with neighboring community members

The intent of the framework is to ensure transparency and equity, in the planning and implementation of activities by the project. This framework would detail the principles and processes for assisting communities to identify and manage any potential negative impacts of the project activities. Since the exact social impacts will only be identified during project implementation, the Process Framework will ensure that mitigation of any negative impacts from project through a participatory process involving the affected stakeholders. It would also ensure that any desired changes by the communities in the ways in which local populations exercise customary tenure rights in the project sites would not be imposed but should emerge from a consultative process.

Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF)

Based upon the Environmental and Social Assessment, the consultant may be required to prepare an IPPF. The WWF's Indigenous Peoples (IPs) Policy is triggered for this project because the main community beneficiaries will be Baka and hunter-gatherers known as Bagyeli or Bakola, who are considered IPs. If it is determined that the IPs are the project's direct and main beneficiaries and that other local communities such as the Bantu are considered IPs based on WWF's IP Policy then this project will be deemed an IP project. As such, the project needs to incorporate safeguard measures related WWF's Indigenous Peoples Policy and there should be process of free and informed consent (FPIC) to foster community support. If IPs constitute the primary and direct beneficiaries of the project then a standalone Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) may not be necessary however if this if this is not the case and there are local communities who are not recognized as IPs under WWF's IP Policy then an Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF) will be prepared. In the latter case, the consultant should prepare measures/recommendations to strengthen the project's IPLC engagement into the final project design and may also need to prepare and IPPF. In order to strengthen the project's IPLC engagement if an IPPF is not prepared then it should include among others protocols and procedures to protect IPs living in conditions of voluntary isolation or with sporadic contact with surrounding society in to the project design if any of projects investments are in remote areas. Determination of whether an IPPF is needed will be made based on the ESA.

Should an IPPF be deemed necessary, it should contain the following elements:

  • An introduction to the types of components, subcomponents, and subprojects likely to be proposed for financing under the project;
  • A short introduction to the vulnerable/marginalized indigenous peoples who might be affected by the project (ethnicity, demographics, socioeconomic situation, etc.);
  • The potential positive and adverse effects of the project on the IP;
  • A plan to carry out social assessments for such programs/subprojects;
  • A framework to ensure FPIC and consent processes with the affected IP's communities at each stage of the preparation and implementation of the project;
  • Institutional arrangements (including capacity building where necessary) for screening project-supported activities, evaluating their effects on IP, preparing IPPs, and addressing any grievances;
  • Monitoring and reporting arrangements, including mechanisms and benchmarks appropriate to the project; and
  • Disclosure arrangements for IPPs to be prepared under the IPPF.

* Deliverables of the Consultancy

As outlined above, the consultant shall establish the following documents tailored to the identified project-specific risks and impacts in line with the requirements defined in WWF's SIPP 2019:

  • Environmental and Social Assessment Report
  • Documentation of Consultations and Consultation Summary
  • Environmental and Social Management Framework, including
  • Process Framework
  • IP Recommendations (and IPPF if deemed necessary)

* Scope of Work

  1. Coordinate with the Program Working Group (PWG) for the general planning and development of the Environmental and Social Management Framework and the associated documentation necessary for the proposal to the GEF.
  2. Develop a work plan, including interviews or other consultation mechanisms.
  3. Hold meetings with PWG staff.
  4. Evaluate and identify existing institutional, political, and legal frameworks of relevant sectors to ensure the development of the Environmental and Social Management Framework, including the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework and Process Framework.
  5. Conduct a thorough review of relevant literature and documents, including, but not limited to: background documents related to environmental and social safeguards; the PIF of the GEF project; current GEF projects and their action plans and policies on environmental and social issues; WWF's environmental and social safeguards integrated policies and procedures (SIPP); the WWF landscape screenings for each of the three landscapes; Government of Cameroon policy, legislation and regulation related to safeguards; and any other documentation relevant to the project area of Cameroon and for the development of the project.
  6. Collect primary data in the project area:
    1. Perform stakeholder mapping and analysis.
    2. Organize information exchange meetings with project stakeholders (local authorities, community leaders, nature scientific studies organizations, etc.) to inform them about research objectives, methodologies used and timeline for data collection.
      1. The objectives, methodologies and timeline for data collection must be approved by the PWG.
    3. Conduct individual interviews and/or conduct discussions in focus group with local people, grassroots organizations, indigenous people, local authorities, scientific research organizations and others, to collect more qualitative and quantitative data in the context of each particular area.
    4. Conduct interviews with households according to pre-selected sites for surveys.
  7. With all the primary and secondary information obtained, carry out an analysis of the situation and thereby develop the Environmental and Social Management Framework for the project, this will include the elaboration of the Process Framework and the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework. This document details the processes that will allow communities to identify and manage the potential negative impacts of project activities.
  8. Identify and recommend environmental and social mitigation activities that are appropriate in the implementation of the project.
  9. Provide a list of related environmental and social indicators that must be included in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan.
  10. Ensure compliance with WWF and government policies and best practices, from the environmental and social approach, are included in the project design, incorporating lessons learned from past projects.
  11. Carry out a process of review and validation of the work, to ensure that the Environmental and Social Management Framework meet the needs of various stakeholders and the requirements of WWF and the Government of Cameroon.
  12. Completion of the Environmental and Social Management Framework for the project, incorporating all observations and suggestions of the PWG team.

* Remuneration and payment schedule


Due date

Payment structure

  1. Desk research (policy, regulation, environmental and social context), and initial ESA (in English)

3 weeks from start of contract

15% (USD ----) (which includes advance of travel cost)

  1. Impact Table, Chapters 2-5 of ESMF, and Draft Plan for Field Visits and/or Consultations (in English)

3 weeks from submission of previous deliverable


  1. Field Visits/Consultations and Associated Documentation (in French or English) and Summary (in English)

Documentation due within two weeks after field visits

10% (USD ----) + actual travel cost and reimbursement of travel costs against evidence after acceptance of initial draft by WWF *

  1. Draft ESMF, including Process Framework and IP Recommendations (including FPIC steps and process) (in English)

Within 4 weeks after determination of the final deliverables based on final activities, WWF's safeguards assessment and post-scoping project documents

40% (USD 8,000) against evidence after acceptance of initial draft by WWF

  1. A Final ESMF including Process Framework and IP Recommendations (in English and French)

Within 2 weeks of receipt of PWG edits

20% against evidence after acceptance of by WWF

*Should the consultant not be able to travel for field visits due to regulations or risks associated with COVID-19 or for other purposes, the consultant will hire a national/local consultant/s to do the field visits. The consultant will be responsible for any capacity building, instructions, work, and deliverables of the subcontracted consultant/s and ensuring the overall quality of the ESMF and other safeguards deliverables.

* Duty Station: Home based with travel to project sites in Cameroon.

* Start Date: October 2020

* Duration:

The duration of the consultancy work shall be 50 days inclusive of 30 days for field visits to Campo, Lobéké NP and TRIDOM landscape. The Consultancy work will start in October, 2020 and terminate on March 31, 2021.

* Management and reporting arrangements

The consultancy work will report to the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) and the WWF GEF Agency project manager (Heike Lingertat @ heike.lingertat@wwfus.org). The consultant will work closely with the WWF US GEF Agency especially with Heike Lingertat, Senior Program Officer, GEF Agency and Erika Drazen, Safeguards Program Officer. The final document approval is with MINEPDED, the WWF GEF Agency, and the lead consultant/s for the final project document.

* Profile and qualifications of the consultancy

The consultant should have a minimum of Master's degree preferably in Sociology and/or Anthropology, coupled with natural resource management, with over 8 years of experience in the field of social science working on Indigenous Peoples issues and Resettlement issues with multilateral banks such as WB, AfDB and other international organizations. S/he should have experience in preparing RAPs, RPFs, IPPFs and PF. He/She should have experience in the Congo Basin region, preferably in Cameroon and excellent verbal communication and writing skills in both English and French.

* Submission Requirements

All candidates interested in conducting this assessment on a consultant basis should submit, no later than September 28th, 2020 a detailed application proposal including:

      • A curriculum vitae detailing his/her experience in relation to the topic of the consultancy;
      • An analysis, comprehension, and eventual comments on the Terms of Reference, including a proposed chronogram of activities;
      • A detailed budget proposal (Financial proposal) which takes into account the financial conditions specified in this ToR and specifies the honorarium (daily rate) as well as any other costs.

All applications should be sent to heike.lingertat@wwfus.org and copy to recruit-cam@wwfcam.org with reference “Safeguards Consultancy For GEF-7 Project”.

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